Library Love

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Ascendance Trilogy

Personal Opinion: This isn't fantasy, and sometimes feels very real. However, the author does a magnificent job of balancing real issues with incredible adventure and delightful humor. This is truly an unforgettable series. Both Michael and I fell in love with them. Sage proves himself to be a lovable rascal, and just when you think you have him figured out, he will surprise you.

Overview: Set in a medieval time period, Sage has learned to fight for himself during a time of serious political unrest. Here's how another reader describes the first book: 

As an orphan running the streets of Carchar, Sage has learned to depend on his quick wits and quicker mouth to survive. When he finds himself one of four boys bought by a wealthy nobleman with a dastardly plan to gain control of the throne, Sage must use every trick at his disposal to outmaneuver the other boys and convince the kingdom that he is fit to rule.

Age Group: The publisher recommends this trilogy for grades 5-9. The main character is about 12 or 13 at the beginning of the story. 

Caution Content: While the characters are fairly young, they are dealing with serious, real, and dangerous issues. The language is clean, and the subtle romance very innocent. However, some of the conflicts such as war, betrayal, and death are sensitive. 


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